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Wednesday, 28 October 2009

Pre-Brace Nerves

I've booked my first appointment to have my impressions taken which will be sent away to Germany for the brace to be made at the Lingualtechnik centre. I have just been reading about how they are made. The staff at my orthodontists have been so friendly and helpful and chatted to me for ages on the phone.

During the time it's taken me to get the money together, I have been focusing on getting the funds together and the final result only. Now that I have my appointment booked, I am starting to think a little more about having the appliance fixed into my mouth.

I know that there will be discomfort but what worries me is the effect that it could have on my singing. You use your tongue and teeth a lot to make consonant sounds so this is something that I will have to overcome and find a different way of producing certain sounds. My whole job depends on me using my mouth to sing and I cannot take time off to get used to it so I need to adapt fast!

If you are intested in what I sound like pre-brace you can listen at

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