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Monday, 26 October 2009

About Me


This blog is intended for anyone who is considering getting Incognito Lingual Braces. These are the type of braces that are fixed onto the inside of your teeth and cannot be seen by people looking at you.

When I was researching this style of brace for myself, I found that there was very limited feedback about people's experiences, which is why I decided to create a blog which details my treatment. I am also filming a video diary, which is available on YouTube at If you have a youtube login (free) you can Subscribe to my Vlog and get a notification whenever there is a new one to watch. This is free and doesn't cost anything.

I am a singing teacher from the West Midlands, UK. I am 29 and happily married to Richard ♥. I decided to get lingual braces partly due to my age, and as I am always on show with my job and enjoy performing so it was important to me that they are hidden.

I really hope that my blog helps people considering treatment. It is a huge commitment financially and in terms of time and discomfort, so it's important to be sure about it. I will continue to add to my blog throughout my treatment.

Rose ♫

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the information about your experiences with
    Incognito Lingual Braces. Keep up the posts. Love the site.

    Lingual braces
