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Friday, 19 February 2010

Top Set of Braces Applied

Over the last month I have adapted really well to my lower set - it has taken a while, but I have reached the point where talking, eating and caring for it has become very easy. Most of the time I now forget that I have it on!

I had my upper arch brace fitted today. It feels a little uncomfortable, as I knew it would initially, but I can just tell from how it feels that it will not be as difficult to adapt to as the lower set.

The upper fitting took about 40 minutes and because it's easier to access those teeth, the orthodontist didn't need to use the contraption that holds your tongue out of the way which was uncomfortable last time.

As usual, my orthodontist and the nurses there were really caring and helpful. I paid another installment of £200 whilst I was there to keep chipping away at the final balance!

I have to go back in April to have the wires changed and tightened.

Luckily, over the next few days I am not very busy so I can have time to adapt to it a little more easily than the lower set! I can feel the tension on the top set already. I am most excited about the top set as they are the set which need most work doing. The orthodontist said that he thinks they will start to move quite quickly. I can't wait!

Link to YouTube video: Top Set of Braces Applied

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